It’s almost 2022, and Republicans nationwide are executing their favorite political play again—stir fauxrage about some random issue to get red candidates into races, voters to the polls, and grab power under the guise of “saving America’s children.” The latest issue? Critical Race Theory. The same people who think creationism belongs in schools and comprehensive sex ed doesn’t—now want to make damn sure that information about structural racism—and people of color’s perspectives on race—stay miles away from their kids’ curricula. And by highlighting the divisive vs. inclusive aspects of the theory, they’re stoking fears well beyond their base of white evangelicals--into the independent voters who handed Obama, Biden, and countless local and state Democrats their victories over the last several years. If they’re successful, they could shift the balance of power toward Republicans and harm our public schools in one fell swoop.
Whether Republicans are really trying to make entire school districts into “safe spaces” for impressionable white children or they just want to win more local, state, and school board races, they’re succeeding because both of those things are happening. More than 20 states have banned the teaching of CRT in schools, and voters from both parties across the nation have vowed to support candidates who oppose CRT. Republicans also use issues like this to provoke support for initiatives that divert tax dollars away from our public schools, an attack that has been a hallmark of Republican politics for decades. We all know that red America has a disproportionate influence on our federal government compared to its population, but this is yet another wake-up call that our state and local races are critically important, too.
Right now, local school boards are making decisions that could shape students’ social views and even impact their personal health in the ongoing “mask mandate” debate. If we don’t want Republicans calling the shots for our students in the future, we need to find a worthy rallying cry that can counter their wild assertions and help keep Democrats in office. In a rapidly diversifying America, race relations are the perfect “panic button” for Republicans to energize white voters who are afraid of what the future holds. Democrats, as the party that believes that reducing inequality and racism will benefit everyone in our country, must shift the narrative, assuage the fear, and demonstrate why anti-racism is important and school-worthy material for our kids.
At The Guerrilla Politic, we spend every day helping clients manage messaging and outreach around complex issues like CRT. Having a team of experienced professionals is important because, as we’ve all seen in recent years, facts don’t get people elected—emotions do. We help candidates tap into what’s important to voters in their districts and craft a strategy that will get the right kind of attention for their campaign. The end game? Building a bench of experienced and driven Democratic candidates to serve at every level.