It felt like the holidays came early when Democrats finally took the trifecta on Election Day – a majority in the Michigan House, Senate, and a Democratic governor. For the first time in decades, Democratic legislators are in control and the policy goals they’ve championed for so long are in reach. So what’s on our wish list for our leaders this term? We’re asking for gifts that keep on giving, like…
It's a Dark Day. Don't Sit This One Out.
This lets state governments ban abortion without exceptions for rape, incest, or the birthing person’s health. It allows them to criminalize those who seek or perform abortions, to cast suspicions on even “spontaneous” miscarriages, to make anyone who can carry a child fear their own bodies, fear being sexually active, fear–even more than usual–the possibility of rape, lest they end up pregnant when they don’t want to be. The conservative justices who placated the public during their nominations with words like “precedent,” “nonpartisan,” and “law of the land” decided that no precedent exists after all, no inalienable right to one’s own body, to one’s most intimate bodily functions, to self-determination, or the pursuit of happiness. Today, justices representing the religious and social views of a minority of Americans made a decision that will affect all of us. This is an assault on the personal liberties of women and other people with uteruses in this country, and we must fight back.
Don't Suffer Republican Fools
It’s April Fool’s Day, a good day to remember that when you vote for Republicans, the joke’s on you. After all, Republicans have gone out of their way to demonstrate that they DGAF about you, your family, this country, the world. It’s a party of selfishness, greed, and cruelty.
What someone considers a joke or finds funny tells you a lot about them. Humor requires self-awareness, empathy, and an attempt at understanding, otherwise, it’s not a joke, it’s just someone being a jerk.