Tom Barrett is wrong. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been asking yourself the same question for the last two years. “When will Tom Barrett finally fuck the fuck off?” It’s my morning mantra and it is my evening prayer, “Lord, give this man a new hobby.”
Help Wanted: We Need More Climate Change Believers to Run for Office
I remember it well. I was sitting in a lawn chair in my Michigan front yard, sunglasses on, in a tank top and rocking a pair of jorts. I raised my fist toward the warm Michigan sky and screamed, “There is no such thing as global warming, you leftist communist bastards!” By the time I went inside I had a sunburn. The date? Feb. 27, 2024.
Don't Get Mad. Get Elected: The Call to Arms for 2024
The party of MAGA depravity continues to attack our basic fundamental freedoms and people are going to continue to die because of their harmful rhetoric and policies.