Around these parts, and by these parts I mean TGP’s office in Detroit, I’m known for being, well, a little sarcastic. I like to joke around, keep the mood light. Because life can get stressful, you know? I like to think that the team appreciates my sense of humor and I definitely appreciate them laughing at my jokes.
There’s Nothing Spookier than Another Trump Presidency
It’s spooky season. Some of my neighbors have gone all out with Halloween decorations, but no house is more terrifying than the one with the casket-sized Trump sign on the porch. The sign says “Trump Pence” because it’s left over from 2020. “Pence” could easily be turned into “Vance” with just a change of two letters. But maybe that’s too much effort.
The United States Does Not Have Time for Donald Trump
So how ‘bout that debate, eh? If we define winning by being the most racist, then Trump won the debate hands down. If we define winning as clearly articulating ideas and policy positions while at the same time coming across as someone who actually cares about the country and people besides herself, I’m going to have to give the win to Vice President Kamala Harris.